


整个皇宫金壁辉煌,整体规划井然有序,因为建设年代并不久远(1782年开始建造至1910年全部完工)。 所有建筑保存完好,庭院整洁,民族风格明显突出,皇宫里面还有座寺院。 整个皇宫,氛围是那样的祥和,到这里来参拜的人们又是那样的虔诚.在这里的佛寺,到处都可以看到人们安静肃穆地参拜着,在旁若无人地进行着他们的仪式。 大皇宫是泰国诸多王宫之一,是历代王宫保存最完美、规模最大、最有民族特色的王宫。 走进大皇宫庭院,首先映入眼帘的是如茵的大片草地和姿态各异的古树,草坪周围栽有一些菩提树和其它热带树木。大皇宫的佛塔式的尖顶直插云宵,鱼鳞状的玻璃瓦在阳光照射下,灿烂辉煌。 6.大皇宫四周有高大的白色宫墙,间有堡垒、宫门和宫殿。宫前有个椭圆形广场是王家田广场,曾被作为御用广场,现今每逢春耕节和泰国新年,国王都在这里主持庆祝仪式。 7.大王宫前有个椭圆形广场,两旁树木繁茂,周围是主要大学、**办公室、泰国的国家博物馆、国家剧院、国家艺术馆和曼谷守护神寺。



急急急!有懂泰语的小伙伴吗 能否帮我翻译下这张图片上的泰语是什么

我的理解:俯身送行离我们远去的国王。 (直译:国王驾崩,躬身送行。)



全称: Thailand ( meaning "land of the free")

首都: Bangkok (Krung Thep, meaning "city of angels")

The kingdom of Thailand lies in the heart of Southeast Asia, making it a natural gateway to Indochina, Myanmar and Southern China. Its shape and geography divide into four natural regions : the mountains and forests of the North; the vast rice fields of the Central Plains; the semi-arid farm lands of the Northeast plateau; and the tropical islands and long coastline of the peninsula South.
The country comprises 76 provinces that are further divided into districts, sub-districts and villages. Bangkok is the capital city and centre of political, commercial, industrial and cultural activities. It is also the seat of Thailand's revered Royal Family, with His Majesty the King recognised as Head of State, Head of the Armed Forces, Upholder of the Buddhist religion and Upholder of all religions.

1) Myanmar - west and north,
2) Lao P.D.R. - north and northeast,
3) Cambodia - southeast and
4) Malaysia - south.

Thais are well-known for their friendliness and hospitality. A large majority of over 62 million citizens of Thailand are ethic Thai, along with strong communities whose ethnic origins lie in China, India and elsewhere. About 7 million people reside in the capital city of Bangkok.

Thai (80%), Chinese (10%), Malay (3%), and the rest are minorities (Mons, Khmers, hill tribes) Ethnic Thais form the majority, though the area has historically been a migratory crossroads, and has thus produced a degree of ethnic diversity. Integration is such, however, that culturally and socially there is enormous unity.

Spoken and written Thai is largely incomprehensible to the casual visitor. However, English is widely understood, particularly in Bangkok where it is almost the major commercial language. English and some European Languages are spoken in most hotels, shops and restaurants in major tourist destinations, and Thai-English road and street signs are found nationwide.

Buddhism (95%), Muslim (4%), others (1%)

Thailand has had a constitutional monarchy since 1932. Parliament is composed of 2 houses, The House of Representatives and the Senate. Both representatives and senators are elected by the people. A prime minister elected from among the representatives leads the government. The country is divided into 76 provinces. The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration comes under an elected governor. Appointed provincial governors administer the other 75 provinces (Changwat), which are divided into districts (Amphoe), sub-districts (Tambon) and villages (Mu Ban).

The time in Thailand is seven hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time ( 7 hours GMT).

Thailand enjoys a tropical climate with three distinct seasons-hot and dry from February to May (average temperature 34 degrees Celsius and 75% humidity); rainy with plenty of sunshine from June to October (average day temperature 29 degrees Celsius and 87% humidity); and cool from November to January (temperatures range from 32 degrees Celsius to below 20 degrees Celsius with a drop in humidity).
Much lower temperatures are experienced in the North and Northeast during nighttime. The South has a tropical rainforest climate with temperatures averaging 28 degrees Celsius almost all year round.

The electric current is 220 volt AC (50 cycles) throughout the country. Many different types of plugs and sockets are in use. Travellers with electric shavers, hair dryers, tape recorders and other appliances should carry a plug adapter kit. The better hotels will make available 110-volt transformers.

Thailand's mail service is reliable and efficient. Major hotels provide basic postal services on their premises. Provincial post offices are usually open from 8.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
International Roaming Mobile Phone : A Subscriber Identity Module Card (SIM Card) is now available for Thai and foreign customers who are travelling around for work. The SIM Card must be used in conjunction with a Digital GSM mobile phone within the 900-MHz range or a Digital PCN mobile phone within the 1800-MHz range.

At present, all telephone numbers (for local calls and long distance calls within the country) have nine digits.
For Bangkok calls, 02 is added to the existing numbers i.e. 0 2694 1222.
For provincial calls, an area code is added to the existing numbers. For example, area code for Chiang Mai is 053 = 0 5324 8604; area code for Phuket is 076 = 0 7621 1036.
For mobile phones, After september 1,2006, all Thai mobile phone numbers will be extended to 10 digits. Simply add an 8 in the middle of the existing two-digit prefix, followed by the existing seven-digit number.For example, numbers starting with (66) 01 will become (66) 081 XXX XXXX
The new system has no effect on international phone calls.
The international dialing code for Thailand is 66.
When making international calls to Thailand, add 66 and omit the leading 0.
When making international calls from Thailand, first dial 001 country code area code telephone number

Central Emergency (Police, Ambulance, Fire) : 191
Highway Patrol : 1193
Crime Suppression : 195 or (662) 513 3844
Tourist Police (English, French and German spoken) : 1155
Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Call Centre : 1672
Immigration Bureau : (662) 287 3101-10

另外,你想要的景点介绍太多了, 不同的城市有不同景点.给你一个泰国旅游的官方网站,你可以在上边找到所有你想要的!





共台甫马哈那坤弃他哇劳狄希阿由他亚马哈底陆浦欧叻辣塔尼布黎隆乌冬帕拉查尼卫马哈洒坦 曼谷的全名共有41个字,是世界上名字最长的首都。那是1782年拉玛一世在这里建立新都后取名为“共台甫马哈那坤弃他哇劳狄希阿由他亚马哈底陆浦欧叻辣塔尼布黎隆乌冬帕拉查尼卫马哈洒坦”。 意思是“神仙的城伟大的城玉佛的宿处坚不可摧的城被赠予九块宝石的世界大都会幸福的城”这样长的城名念起来实在太不方便,国人们便简称为“共台甫”意思是“天使之城”当地华侨根据音译称它为“曼谷”。 扩展资料: 曼谷作为泰国政治、经济、文化中心和现代与传统相交融的大都市,完好地保留着辉煌的名胜古迹。这里佛寺庙宇林立,建筑精致美观,以金碧辉煌的大王宫、馏金溢彩的玉佛寺、庄严肃穆的卧佛寺、充满神奇传说的金佛寺、雄伟壮观的郑王庙最为著名。 曼谷也是世界上佛寺最多的地方,有大小400多个佛教寺院。漫步城中,映入眼帘的是红、绿、黄相间的泰式鱼脊形屋顶的庙宇,充满了神秘的东方色彩。 每天早晨,全城香烟袅袅,钟声悠悠,磬声清脆动听,诵经之声不绝于耳。寺庙里的和尚、尼姑在街上慢慢行走,逐家化缘,成为曼谷街头的特有景观。 曼谷佛教历史悠久,东方色彩浓厚,几百年来这里的风俗习惯、文学、艺术和建筑等都和佛教有着密切的关系。在曼谷随处可见的僧侣,以黄袍(袈裟)加身。 佛教为泰国人塑造了道德标准,使之形成崇尚忍让、安宁和爱好和平的精神风范。在当地人与人之间打招呼都是双手合十向别人点头问好,这显示着把自己放低,尊重他人为先的佛的精神。 参考资料来源:百度百科-曼谷 参考资料来源:人民网-“天使之城”曼谷的文化历史


你的行李是一个大问题,所以建议你在2楼3号门先坐免费机场穿梭巴士到廊曼机场,把行李寄存在3楼出发大厅寄存处。然后在机场2楼走天桥到马路对面坐火车,5铢/人到终点站华南蓬火车总站下,坐地铁到SILOM站下转BTS空铁,到S6站SAPHAN TAKSIN站下,然后走到桥下,坐湄南河快船(船顶没有任何旗帜的才是最便宜的)到N9码头下,就是大皇宫、玉佛寺啦。回程的时候,也是坐船到SAPHAN TAKSIN**码头下,走到桥上坐BTS空铁,到S3站SALA DAENG站下,转地铁到终点站华南蓬火车总站下,坐火车到廊曼机场坐飞机。大皇宫玉佛寺一般中午前的时候就足够了,中午后就可以往回走了。


The Thai Palace



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